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Remote Work Satisfaction Feedback Form
Please fill the form carefully
Step 1
Step 2
Full Name:
First Name
Last Name
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Employee Id:
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Email id :
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Please enter valid email address
1.Current Measures
How helpful are the following for your "work from home" experience required:
No Benefit
Somewhat Helpful
Very Helpful
Morning team planning check ins
Evening team progress updates
Home-office stipend
Slack chat
Slack video & screen sharing
Slack search & message history
Teams video & screen sharing
#community channel on Slack
Coffee buddies--online
Friday morning company meetings
Taking monitors, docks, chairs, etc. home
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2.Working Well
What else is helping you feel happy and productive well while working remote:
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3.Could Work Better
What (if anything) do you find counterproductive or frustrating about our current remote-work processes:
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How can we improve your work from home experience:
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5.The New "Normal"
Once things return to "normal," how interested would you be in working from home once a week:
Not at all interested
Somewhat interested
Very interested
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Comments/Suggestions :
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