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Focus Group Survey Form
Please fill the form below
Do you or does any member of your household work for:
An advertising or public relations agency
A market research, strategic marketing or opinion company
The marketing or market research department of any company
A telemarketing firm
A food manufacturer or retailer
A software, hardware or multimedia company
Developer or manufacturer
Online retailer
E-commerce or web development company
This field is required.Please enter value
Which of the following best describes your age:
Please Select
Under 18
18 - 24
25 - 36
37 - 48
49 - 64
This field is required.Please enter value
Do you work full time or part time, outside the home:
Full-time [35+ Hours per week]
Part-time [15-20 Hours per week]
Full-time homemaker
This field is required.Please enter value
Which of the following best describes the highest level of education completed:
Some High School
High School Graduate
Some College
Graduated College
Post Graduate
This field is required.Please enter value
Which of the following statements applies to you:
I have children under the age of 6 living at home
I have children between the ages of 6 and 17 living at home
I have no children under the age of 18 living at home
This field is required.Please enter value
Do you log on and use the Internet by yourself, without help, at either work or home:
This field is required.Please enter value
How long have you been using the Internet, by yourself:
Less than 6 months
6 -12 months
1- 2 years
More than 2 years
This field is required.Please enter value
How often do you use the Internet, not including email, by yourself, either at work or at home:
Less than one hour/week
1 - 2 hours/week
2 - 3 hours/week
More than 3 hours/week
This field is required.Please enter value
On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being the least comfortable and 5 being the most comfortable, how comfortable and familiar are you using the Internet, including such things as links, site addresses, or search engines:
This field is required.Please enter value
When using the Internet, either at home or at work, which do you use more often:
IBM Compatible PC
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Aside from political surveys, have you participated in any market research studies such as panel discussions, focus groups or surveys, in the last 12 months:
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First Name
Last Name
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Invalid phone number.
The value must be less than or equal to 20
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Please enter valid email address