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Wedding Dance Event Planning Form
Please fill the form carefully
Step 1
Step 2
Client A:
First Name
Last Name
This field is required.Please enter value
This field is required.Please enter value
Email id:
This field is required.Please enter value
Please enter valid email address
Mobile No:
This field is required.Please enter value
Invalid phone number.
The value must be less than or equal to 20
Client B:
First Name
Last Name
This field is required.Please enter value
This field is required.Please enter value
Wedding Date:
This field is required.Please enter value
Date format is invalid, please check it again
The value must be greater than or equal to -21474836487
The value must be less than or equal to 2147483647
Total Hours In Package:
This field is required.Please enter value
The value allows only numbers
Invalid number!
The value must be greater than or equal to -21474836487
The value must be less than or equal to 2147483647
Please Select The Spotlight Dances You Plan to Hold During Your Event. Indicate your song selections for each dance:
First Dance
Father Daughter Dance
Mother Son Dance
Parents Dance
Wedding Party Dance
optionCustom Spotlight Dance #1
optionCustom Spotlight Dance #2
This field is required.Please enter value
DJ Interaction
Select The Level of Interaction From Your DJ For The Day of Your Event:
Not Active: DJ only makes announcements that are asked to be made by the client. DJ has no crowd interaction.
Lightly Active: DJ makes expected announcements and helps direct the crowd.
Very Active: DJ makes expected announcements, helps direct the crowd, and meets the guests during dinner to take song requests. DJ teaches dances during the dance. DJ is a part of the day without making it about him or herself. Enthusiastic and never
This field is required.Please enter value
Favorite Kinds of Music (Do not include specific songs, please):
This field is required.Please enter value
Anything Else:
This field is required.Please enter value
Events During The Dance
Please indicate the events in which you would like to participate and provide details:
Anniversary or Generations Dance
Dollar Dance
Bouquet Toss
Garter Toss
This field is required.Please enter value
Anything Else:
This field is required.Please enter value